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Sustainability Reporting & Assurance

Communicate your Performance and progress Externally

Reporting sustainability performance is a valuable management tool for communicating your social and environmental performance to customers, suppliers, employees and investors. The reporting process also helps you to assess your impacts, manage risk, leverage opportunities, increase transparency by better engaging your stakeholders and improve your brand image. We will guide you through the entire reporting process and specialize in a variety of reporting frameworks and mechanisms, including:

• Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
• CDP (climate, water, supply-chain)

• Sustainability Accounting Standard Board

> Global Reporting Initiative

The GRI Standards are the first global standards for sustainability reporting. They feature a modular, interrelated structure, and represent the global best practice for reporting on a range of economic, environmental and social impacts. We work with our clients to develop sustainability reports in line with the globally accepted framework, GRI Standards, that authentically tell their stories. From content development and design consultation to data collection to interviews and storytelling, we provide the level of support that works for you, whether we provide support or help you put your whole report together.

Sustainability Assurance

When it comes to sustainability reporting, the terms ‘verification’ and ‘assurance’ essentially mean the same thing: an external audit, during which we evaluate the credibility, accuracy and relevance of your report. The purpose of such an audit is to convincingly demonstrate the reliability of your publication. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the driving force behind the GRI Standards for sustainability reporting, strongly recommends third party verification as part of the reporting process. According to GRI data, external assurance is increasingly common: about 50 % of all published reports are subjected to verification, with this figure set to increase in the future.

Verification by an independent third party such as CENGSSUD proves that your report provides an accurate depiction of the main sustainability aspects of your organization and assures your stakeholders of the trustworthiness of the disclosures made. As a licensed Assurance Provider according to the AA1000 standard, the Centre for Global Solutions and Sustainable Development is the globally recognized and qualified assurance partner you have been looking for. Regardless of whether your sustainability report follows the GRI principles or a custom approach, we will be happy to guide you through the process.

> Sustainability Accounting Standards Board

SASB standards helps businesses identify, manage and report on the sustainability topics that matter most to their investors, and the standards are developed based on extensive feedback from companies, investors, and other market participants as part of a transparent, publicly-documented process.

One of the major strength of SASB standards is that it differs by industry, enabling investors and companies to compare performance from company to company within an industry. So when it comes to using SASB standards to give you the best performance, Call CENGSSUD sustainability Advisory.

> Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

Carbon Disclosure project (CDP) is one of the most holistic standards which helps us build expertise in carbon, forest and water reporting and management and deliver same to our clients. Understanding best practices in these areas leads to efficiency improvements and innovations that reduce costs and improve your performance, supporting the business case for investing in sustainability.

> Materiality

An effective report covers those issues that are most material to your company and your stakeholders. Using methodology developed from GRI and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), we work with you to engage your stakeholders and determine the most material topics to communicate in your report.

Looking for a First-Class Sustainability Reporting and Assurance Services??

Why Choose CENGSSUD for your Sustainability Reporting & Assurance?

Sustainability is our core

Unlike others that nose-dive into it, for CENGSSUD, Sustainability is our main focus, that is what we do day-in day-out and we are authority in it.

We are Sustainability Licensed Assurance Provider

CENGSSUD holds the best license in sustainability Assurance, use the most holistic standards and principles to engage in reporting, stakeholders and assurance engagements

We have the best Sustainability Advisory Team

As organisation that conducts various sustainability in wide areas  of topics, our team benefit from all our training & are groomed to give you the best solutions and services.

CENGSSUD IS A ONE-STOP firm for all sustainability services

 At CENGSSUD, our core is sustainability, as we don’t just offer Reporting and Assurance alone, but we offer other sustainability complementary sustainability services that will add value to your business.

We are vast in wide area of standards

We are very deep in wide areas of Reporting and Assurance standards such as GRI Standards,Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Carbon Disclosure Projects (CDP), Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) etc.

Our engagements generate innovation, learning and performance improvement

For each assignment, we engage to challenge our client’s sustainability strategy/performance, strengthen its risk management and value creation, as well as helping it to be more strategic and visionary.